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Student Residency 4.102

Administrative Procedure 4.102

In compliance with the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), Elgin Community College (ECC) determines tuition charges based on the student's permanent residence within or outside of the boundaries of Community College District 509. Tuition charges are based on the following residency statuses: 1) in district, 2) out of district, 3) out of state or international.

In-District Resident

  1. Residency – General Provisions. The following provisions apply to both state and district residency definitions:
    1. To be classified as a resident of Community College District 509, a student shall have occupied a dwelling within the district for at least thirty (30) days immediately prior to the date established by the college for classes to begin.

    2. Students occupying a dwelling in the district who fail to meet the thirty (30) day residency requirement may not become residents simply by attending classes at a community college for thirty (30) days or more.

    3. Students who move from outside the district and who obtain residence in the district for reasons other than attending the community college shall be exempt from the thirty (30) day requirement if they demonstrate through documentation a verifiable interest in establjishing permanent residency.

    4. Students shall be classified as residents of the community college district without meeting the thirty (30)-day residency requirement of the district if they are currently residing in the district and are youth who 1) are currently under the legal guardianship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or have recently been emancipated from the Department and 2) had previously met the thirty (30)-day residency requirement of the district but who had a placement change into a new community college district. The student, a caseworker, or other personnel of the Department, or the student's attorney or guardian ad litem appointed under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 is required to provide the district with proof of current in-district residency.

  2. Individuals who reside outside of District 509 will be eligible for the in-district tuition rate for courses offered by Elgin Community College (110 ILCS 805/6-4.1.) if they meet one of the following:
    1. Employed for at least 35 hours per week in the district.

    2. Military personnel who are stationed and present in the district in connection with their military service.

    3. Utilizing benefits under the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any subsequent variation of that Act (per Public Act 098-0306).

    4. Enrolled through a Joint Agreement with Elgin Community College and another college. Only courses that are part of the joint agreement will be charged at the in-district tuition rate. 

    5. Approved for study under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and who are residents of any of the signatory Illinois community college districts.

    6. An active full or part-time ECC employee, or a spouse or eligible dependent of an ECC employee.

Out-of-District Resident

  1. An out-of-district resident is any person whose permanent residence lies outside the boundaries of District 509 but within the state of Illinois.
  2. An individual shall be deemed an Illinois resident until the individual establishes a residence outside of this state, (110 ILCS 805/6-4a) if all of the following conditions are met:
    1. The individual resided with his or her parent or guardian while attending a public or private high school in this state.

    2. The individual graduated from a public or private high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in this state.

    3. The individual attended school in this state for at least 3 years as of the date the individual graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma.

    4. The individual registers as an entering student in the community college not earlier than the 2003 fall semester.

    5. In the case of an individual who is not a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States, the individual provides the community college with a signed and notarized affidavit stating that the individual will file an application to become a permanent resident of the United States at the earliest opportunity the individual is eligible to do so.

Out of State or International Resident

  1. An out-of-state resident is any person whose permanent residence is outside the state of Illinois. This includes international students enrolling under a non-immigrant visa. The Center for Global Engagement, in consultation with the Senior Director of Admissions and Registrar, determines the type of tuition to charge based on visa type. International students attending on certain visa types may be eligible for in-district tuition if it is determined that they meet one of the following:
    1. Married to a U.S. citizen who can provide verification of in-district residency.
    2. Completion of the permanent residency filing process and can provide verification of in-district residency.
    3. Provides documentation of an approved asylum or refugee claim and can provide verification of in-district residency.

Verification of In-District Residency

  1. In district residency verification documentation must be dated at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of classes. In-district residency is verified at orientation. If, after the initial verification, there is reason to believe the student’s residency is no longer in the district, we will require verification documentation again if the student wishes to be charged in-district tuition. Reasons may include return mail or request for an address change from out-of-district to in-district. Students can demonstrate eligibility for in-district tuition rates in one of the following ways:
    1. Provide a driver’s license or state-issued identification card or U.S. or international government-issued identification card with an in-district address dated at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the term.

    2. Provide at least two of the following: A signed lease, utility bill or tax bill in the student’s name, or voter’s registration card.

    3. Each semester, students who are employed for at least 35 hours per week in the district must provide 1) a recent pay stub and 2) documentation of hours worked per week on employer letterhead or forms available on District 509 Residency web page or at the Registration Department. The documentation must be dated no earlier than thirty (30) days prior to registration.

    4. Students utilizing benefits under the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any subsequent variation of that Act (per Public Act 098-0306) must provide a Request your military service records (including DD214) or an eligibility letter.

    5. Students who are enrolled through a joint agreement must provide the required documentation per that agreement for in-district tuition for applicable courses.

    6. Students who are approved for study under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and who are residents of any of the signatory Illinois community college districts must provide required documentation per that agreement for in-district tuition for applicable courses.

    7. Students matriculating directly from an in-district high school may provide a valid high school ID and a current high school transcript displaying the student's in-district home address.

    8. In-district residency is assumed for public high school students participating in dual credit or other contractual programs between ECC and the public high school since high school enrollment is based on residency in the district. Once students in these programs matriculate into ECC independent of these contractual programs, residency verification will be required.

    9. Students who are homeless can present a card provided by PADS of Elgin to verify they are staying there. Students staying at other homeless shelters should be referred to the Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships to discuss options, including appropriate documentation to demonstrate residency.

    10. Active full and part-time ECC employees who live out of district must request email verification of employment status from the ECC HR benefits office each semester for in-district tuition rates for themselves, their spouses, and dependents. The tuition rate charged is not impacted by eligibility for tuition reimbursement. Employees covered by bargaining unit agreements should consult their contract for details on reimbursement.

Questions regarding residency will be presented to the Associate Vice President of Student Services and Development or designee. The decision may be reviewed by the Vice President of Teaching, Learning, and Student Development.