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Special Student Session: Executive Orders and Their Impact

Navigating Recent Executive Orders and Their Impact on Higher Education 

We invite you to a Live Zoom Meeting hosted by Dr. Peggy Heinrich, our college president, and members of ECC's administration on Wednesday, February 19, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from our leadership, ask questions, and engage in an important discussion.

Your participation in this Zoom webinar is completely anonymous—your name, guest list, and photo will not be visible to other attendees. If you submit a question, you can decide whether to include your contact information if you want someone to follow up.

Topics include:

  • Recent federal decisions and their potential impact on ECC and students
  • Executive orders affecting higher education
  • Current issues such as immigration policies, gender issues, financial aid, federal funding, and more

How to Participate:

  • Date & Time: Wednesday, February 19, 2:00–3:00 pm
  • Zoom Link: Join Here

Submit Questions

We are proud to serve our students and our community members!

At Elgin Community College, our commitment extends beyond academic excellence. We actively engage with our communities to foster relationships and partnerships that benefit everyone involved.

  • Our Board of Trustees, students, faculty, and staff collaborate with local non-profit and service organizations, school districts, and businesses through deliberate efforts.
  • We participate in events that support and enhance the work of these organizations.
  • Continuous efforts are made to identify and address community needs through meaningful collaborations and partnerships.
  • We coordinate our resources to make a positive impact in our community.
  • Discover the programs and benefits ECC offers our community members, contributing to their growth and success.

Community Engagement Annual Report - PDF

These numbers represent involvement and may reflect a duplicated headcount for the Board of Trustees, employees, and students in FY2022.

Community Partners, Resources, and Services

Report to the Community

Community Report 2023

The annual Community Report provides an in-depth look at news, financial analysis, and academic programs that have resulted in student success initiatives and community impact over the past year. This publication is a comprehensive, data-driven report that illustrates ECC’s commitment to its vision, mission, and purpose through an engaging, storytelling approach.

Open current issue

2023 Report to the Community - PDF

Download past issues of the Report to the Community

Community Suggestion Box

Please share your ideas to improve ECC! Suggestions from students, employees, and the community are welcomed and forwarded to the Planning Department and Process Improvement Team (PIT).

Fill Out Form

Feedback Needed: Presidential Finalists for Elgin Community College

We are excited to invite you to meet our three finalists at the Presidential Finalists' Meetings.

You can meet all three finalists on Monday, December 2, and Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at Building E of the University Business Center (UBC) at 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin. Follow the signs to Building E, and the event will be held in Seigle Auditorium. Parking is available in the Building E lot; no parking permit is needed.

Simultaneous live Spanish translation will be provided.

As part of our ongoing presidential search, we deeply value the input and perspectives of our entire college community. We encourage you to take part in this important opportunity. Your insights are integral to shaping Elgin Community College's future leadership and ensuring that our next president embodies the values and vision that make ECC extraordinary.

Here's what to expect: 

  • There will be a separate meeting for each finalist. 
  • Each meeting will last 45 minutes, and you will hear from the finalists individually.
  • Finalists will give a 15-minute introduction followed by a 30-minute Q&A. 
  • Questions can be submitted at the open forums on a note card provided, which will then be read out loud by a member of the college. All questions will be anonymous.
  • After the final meeting, the District 509 Board of Trustees plans to conclude the presidential search and make an appointment in December 2024.

Open Forum Meeting Schedule:

Location: Building E, Room E125, Seigle Auditorium

December 2, 2024

December 3, 2024

  • Dr. Pakou Yang: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm

Presidential Finalists for Elgin Community College


Community Engagement Department

Building B, Room B215

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