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Early College Independent Enrollment

How to Take College Classes While in High School

ECC's Early College Independent Enrollment (formerly called dual enrollment) program is an excellent choice for high school and home-schooled students who want to take one or two college classes in addition to their regular school schedules. In early college independent enrollment, you'll attend regular high school or home-school classes during the day, then take one or two additional classes at Elgin Community College in the evening. You'll get college credit for your ECC courses; high school credit is not guaranteed. 

Course Options

You complete college courses on your own, allowing class selection flexibility. Choose any college class you are ready for, with approval from your high school counselor and ECC Admissions Office.

College Life

As an early college independent enrollment student at ECC, you can immerse yourself in campus life. Join a club, write for the newspaper, or audition for a play —it's a great way to get the whole college experience.

Who Qualifies

Early college independent enrollment courses are open to high school and home-schooled students who have demonstrated college readiness through their scores on the ACT, SAT, or ECC placement tests. Sixteen (16) and 17-year-old students separated from their high school and eligible by ICCB regulations to attend ECC full or part-time because they meet the ability to benefit criteria.

How to Apply for Early College Independent Enrollment at ECC

Are you interested in early college independent enrollment? Students seeking Early College Independent Enrollment must plan to ensure the enrollment process is completed before the class starts. Here's how to get started:

The secondary or home-schooled student admission process at Elgin Community College exists to allow college-ready students early access to higher education. These students must follow special admission procedures to enroll in college-level classes at Elgin Community College. Decisions for student admission and enrollment are made on a case-by-case basis. Students under 16 must also receive approval from the appropriate academic dean and the Dean of Student Services and Development or designee. Once courses are identified, the admissions office will facilitate obtaining the appropriate dean(s) approval. The decision will be made based on the demonstration of college readiness and maturity of the student. Secondary and home-schooled students will be limited to registering for six credit hours per semester and will enroll during their New Student Orientation Session (NSO). Students seeking Early College Independent Enrollment need to plan ahead to ensure the enrollment process is completed before the class starts.

This process does not apply to the following student groups, as these admissions are handled separately:

  • Students who are enrolling in only dual credit courses organized by partnership agreements between school districts and Elgin Community College,
  • Students enrolling in performing arts courses, ensembles, or grant-funded programs such as Upward Bound.
  • Sixteen (16) and 17-year-old students are separated from their high school and eligible by ICCB regulations to attend ECC full or part-time because they meet the ability to benefit criteria.