Career Coach
Use this tool to discover careers and ECC programs.
Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests.
Career Coach is an online, user-friendly process that easily allows you to find careers that match your interests. You can then use these interests to discover related programs at ECC that will help prepare you for a successful future!
Create a personal profile to keep track of your information. Enter your name, email, personal password, and current school. Acknowledge that you've read the privacy policy and click "Create Profile."
Select either the Standard 30-question assessment or the Detailed 60-question assessment. Don't worry if you don't have enough education or training to do the work OR how much money you would make doing it. This is purely asking if you would like to do the activity. Answer on a "Strongly Disagree" scale to "Strongly Agree."
Even if you do not complete the assessment, you can still search for Careers at the bottom of your Profile page at "Find Your Favorite Careers."
Type in a specific career or choose "Browse all Careers" to explore careers by Career Cluster.
- Once you complete the assessment, you will receive your top 3 traits on your profile page. Now you can explore your career matches based on those interest traits.
- Click "View Career Matches." Careers are sorted into 16 Career Clusters.
- Your top matches are listed first. You will see the percentage of matches on the right side of the Career Clusters page. To view specific careers in each Career Cluster, select the drop-down menu. You may sort this list on the right-hand side by Salary, Alphabetical, or Match Percentage.
- You can also sort by the Top-Entry-Level Education required for each career. Scroll through the list and "Save" the careers that interest you. These careers will be added to your Profile page. Each career gives information on the median salary and top-entry-level education required for that career. To learn more details, click on the career title.
- You can toggle between the tabs on the top to see an overview, daily tasks, wages, employment outlook, similar careers in that field of study, and live job postings in the selected region.
- To select a new region/radius—use the drop-down menu on the right side of the page. Anything you "Save" will be added to your Profile page.
Find related academic programs.
- Next, you can explore programs that will train you for your future career. While looking at specific careers, go to the Overview.
- Programs offered at ECC will be listed below the salary and annual job openings. Click on the program and select "View Program Info."
- You will be redirected to our ECC website to see the program's Overview, learning outcomes, degrees, certificates, and courses. On the right side of the page, you may also personally request information about the academic program, and someone from our Admissions Office will be in contact with you.
- Be sure to click "Submit Request."
- Anytime you wish to go back to your Profile page, select "Profile" at the top.
- Anything you "Saved" will be on your page for you to compare, contrast, and review.
Create an account on Hire Spartans.
Register once to access all Hire Spartans' benefits and local and nationwide job opportunities. Use the contact information to the right for questions or registration assistance. Then, begin searching for your next job, internship, or apprenticeship. Register for a free Hire Spartans account.
Use Hire Spartans to find a job.
Hire Spartans is a free online career and job site from ECC. You're in the right place if you are looking for an off-campus job, apprenticeship, or internship! Local employers use this tool to recruit employees for all jobs—from entry-level to experienced. Use the database to search for jobs nationwide if you plan a move. As the name implies, employers value the education and training of being an ECC Spartan. Even if you've never attended ECC, we welcome you to use Hire Spartans to find your next job opportunity!
- Search and apply for current job openings.
- Post your resume and portfolio. (Employers can view, and our staff will share with relevant employers in our database.)
- Discover employers who specifically want to hire ECC Spartan graduates.
Career Development Services
Building B, Room B120
Fax: 847-622-3055
Monday through Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday: 8 am to 4 pm
*Evening hours are available upon request.