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Pam Singleton keeps ECC cruising onward

Tags: Staff Profile
Published 04/11/2022
Pam Singleton, managing director of business services

Pam Singleton, managing director of business services

Pam Singleton’s start at Elgin Community College consisted of meeting her team on campus and not seeing them again in person for the next 15 months. Like many, her start began during the COVID-19 pandemic and also happened to be on the first day the college made the shift to remote work and learning. As the managing director of business services, Singleton helps ensure ECC faculty and staff have what they need to do their jobs to help drive student success. 

Singleton can be found behind the wheel of her 1966 Mustang convertible, which she enjoys taking out to car shows with her dad. “It’s a hobby we share,” said Singleton. Read on to learn more about Singleton’s work at ECC, where she’d like to visit one day, and her experience teaching.  

What do you do at ECC/what do you want others to know/understand about your job? I assist in the buys that the faculty and staff need to do their jobs. I care deeply about the process and getting my customers what they need to help our students be successful.

If you could instantly be an expert at one thing, what would you choose? I always wanted to be an attorney, so I would say the law.

What do you like to do outside of work? What are some of your favorite hobbies, places to go, activities, etc.? I have a 1966 Mustang convertible, and I love to take it to car shows with my dad; it’s a hobby that we share.

Where is the best place you’ve traveled, or where is somewhere you dream of going, and why? The best place I have traveled to is London; I went to see Adele, and it was a great experience. I would love to visit Greece. 

Share a fact about you that might surprise people to learn. I taught kindergarten Sunday school for years.

What piece of advice would you share with your 20-year-old self or with our students? Study hard and keep at it, even if it takes years – and it will all pay off!

What was your first-ever job? What is one thing you can say you took away from it? I worked at Motorola on the third shift. My takeaway was to finish my education to get off of the third shift and into a buying job on the day shift.

Favorite movie, book, tv show? Share one, or a few of your favorites! My favorite book is “The Notebook.” My favorite TV show would be any episode of Law and Order.