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ECC In the News 2020 - Student Services Update

Published 04/09/2020

As a result of Governor Pritzker’s recent announcement to extend the state’s current “stay-at-home” order through Thursday, April 30, Elgin Community College will remain closed to the public until Monday, May 04.  Consequently, the college will continue to provide academic, financial, and student support services remotely.  Please see the attached updated Support Services Resource Guide.  Most services will utilize phone, email, and/or Google Hangouts* as modes of communication.  If Governor Pritzker elects to extend the state’s stay-at-home order beyond our tentative return to campus date, updates on support services will be provided. 

Other Important Student Updates:

Alternative Formats

Students taking lab and specialized courses that were not able to be delivered in an alternative learning  format will be contacted by their instructors on when their classes will resume.

Summer and fall 2020 semester registration

Open registration for summer 2020 and fall 2020 begins April 13.

Priority registration for summer 2020 and fall 2020 for continuing students began Monday, April 6.  To determine your priority registration date, please refer to:  

Summer 2020 Courses

All summer classes will be offered online due to the unpredictable nature of this pandemic. Some lab classes normally offered during the summer may not be available in summer 2020.  If a course you need for summer 2020 graduation is not being offered, please email your academic advisor at to discuss options. 

Throughout the month of April, other courses may be added to the summer 2020 schedule. Please periodically check the summer schedule for updates.

Adult Education (High school equivalency and ESL) courses will not be offered this summer. Please check back in June for information on fall courses by emailing or calling 847-214-6904.



All students are encouraged to sign up for online tutoring to assist you with your transition to an alternative learning format. Please see page 1 in the attached resource guide for Tutoring Services information.


Student Accounts

If you need to make a payment log in to your accessECC account.  Go to the Self-Service Menu select Student Menu; click Student Finance and then select Make a Payment.

For student account or payment questions e-mail  Emails will be checked daily each business day.  We are working on a method for students to speak directly with a Student Accounts representative, but that is still in progress.

1098-T tax forms: Students can view and print their 1098-Ts by logging in to their accessECC account.  Go to the Self-Service Menu; click on Tax Information and then select 1098T Information.  For questions about 1098-Ts please contact Emails are checked each business day, and you will receive a response by the next business day.

For students with outstanding balances in the spring 2020 term, there will be no late fees or restrictions.  Payment plans are available online if you wanted to pay off your spring balance in smaller payments.  Students will be able to enroll for summer and fall classes even if they have an outstanding balance for spring 2020.



If you have questions about your disability-related accommodations or have not yet requested accommodation letters through our new online system for your spring 2020 classes, please follow the steps described under Student Disability Services in the attached resource guide. 



Topics under discussion:


ECC’s commencement ceremonies for High School Equivalency (HSE), Accelerate College, and Career Technical Education and Transfer Degree programs have been postponed to an undetermined date as the College considers the best approach to celebrate the graduating class of 2020.

Pass/Fail grading option

ECC is currently discussing a pass/fail grading option for the spring 2020 term. The college is awaiting guidance from the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) and Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) as well as considering grading options and policy-related issues that are in the best interest of all of our students.  A college decision should be made within a week and students will be immediately notified about this grading option.   

Spring 2020 Refund Policy

The college is exploring an amended refund policy for the Spring 2020 term.  


Please make sure to check your email account often for student updates.  You can also visit the college’s Emergency Management page for announcements and college updates.  Additionally, there is a Remote HUB available, which serves as a central place for information on studying as well as academic and student support services.  

Students can send correspondence to