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Student Communication Update - April 15, 2020

Published 04/16/2020

Dear ECC Students,

Elgin Community College (ECC) remains committed to the success of our students. With less than a month remaining to complete the spring 2020 semester for students in remote learning, we encourage students to complete the semester by utilizing all of the strategies, resources and support provided to you by the college.  A list is available at

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, ECC has established policies specific to the spring 2020 term, not only to promote successful completion of the term but also to address the pandemic’s possible impact on students. 

Extension of Last Day to Withdraw from a course 

The college has elected to extend the last day to withdraw from a course from the initial extension date of Monday, April 20 to the current class section semester End Date. Please view the Section End Dates to determine the End Date of the semester for your section. The End Date for each section is listed in column I, which is highlighted in yellow.  

Some spring 2020 courses, such as certain classes with in-person lab components, will need to extend beyond May 13 due to the campus closure. In this case, the last day to withdraw will be extended to the last date of the class. This date will be communicated by your instructor, program director, or academic dean once additional information is available.   

No Harm Grading Policy

The opportunity to select a No Harm Grading option by course will be available to students after faculty post grades for the semester. Final grades are due Monday, May 18. Details regarding the process for electing to use the No Harm Grading policy will be forthcoming.  

  • Students will have until June 4 to elect a no harm grade for one or more of their course grades.
  • Students will have the option to convert course grades of A, B, or C to a grade of Credit (CR). CR grades will not be calculated in your GPA but will count as an attempt and a completion. Credit for the course will be awarded.
  • Students will have the option to convert a course grade of D to a grade of No Credit (NC). NC grades will not be calculated in your GPA and will count as an attempt but not count as a completion. Credit for the course will not be awarded. The course will need to be retaken to earn credit. 
  • All F grades will be converted to No Credit (NC) without any required action on the part of the student. NC grades will not be calculated in your GPA. Credit for the course will not be awarded. The course will need to be retaken to earn credit.
  • Please note, CR/NC grades may have transfer, degree, and licensure implications for multiple majors. Students will be required to speak with an academic advisor if electing to convert a course grade to CR or NC. 
  • Courses completed prior to March 16 in any modality are not eligible for No Harm Grading.

Course Eligibility for No Harm Grading

  • Spring 2020 face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses started prior to the March 16 closure, and not completed until after the March 16 closure, are eligible for No Harm Grading.
  • Adult Basic Education courses are already graded on a CR/NC scale.
  • Many Health Professions, Fire Science, and EMT courses DO NOT ALLOW Credit (CR)/No Credit (NC) grading due to licensure/accreditation restrictions. Students will be assigned A, B, C, D, F, or I grades, and will not have the option of converting them to CR or NC. It is very important for students pursuing one of these programs to discuss the impact of using No Harm Grading in general education coursework before making a final decision.

Deadline to Elect No Harm Grading Policy

  • For spring 2020 courses ending on or before May 13, 2020, students will have until Thursday, June 4, at 11:59 pm to elect to use the No Harm Grading.
  • For spring 2020 courses ending after May 13, 2020, students will have 15 days following the class section end date at 11:59 pm to elect to use the No Harm Grading.

Transcript Notation

  • All transcripts will include a statement documenting the extreme circumstances instruction was delivered under in spring 2020, as well as information regarding the standard assigned to CR and NC grades.

We know these are less than ideal circumstances and hope you remain safe and healthy. We believe in you and want to remind you that we are here for you! Please let us know how we can help you successfully complete this semester by contacting or