Library Information
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Borrowing Library Materials
All students and staff at ECC and any residents (18 years or older) of Community College District 509 are eligible for borrowing privileges. A physical ID is required to check out physical library materials (e.g., books, DVDs, etc.). Interlibrary loan services for books and articles are available by using this request form. Please allow an average of 10 days to 2 weeks for items to arrive.
Reserving Library Materials
Register with the Library
To reserve library materials, you will need to request them first. If you do not have an activated library card (your ECC ID), please request one using the Library Card Registration form.
Placing a hold for pickup
- Search for your item in the library's catalog.
- Once you find the book you want, you will see Request underneath the title. Click on Request.
- Type your name (such as Jane Smith) and your library barcode as requested. A barcode is a long number beginning with 2 on the back of your Student ID.
Once Circulation pulls the holds, we will call or email you to let you know that the item(s) is now available to pick up. Once the call or email is made, you will have one week to pick up that item. Turnaround time for the Request is typically 24-48 hours.
Once you come in or pick it up at the curbside, students will have the item(s) for 3 weeks. The due dates will be printed and placed on a slip in the checked item.
If you come in before your item is ready, it will not be given to you. So please wait for us to contact you. More info can be found on our ECC Library website.
Returning Library Materials
A library return box has been installed at parking lot C; as you go around the curve near Building C, Library, making dropping off library materials such as books and DVDs easier.
- Collaboration with faculty on library research assignments.
- Library workshops for classes.
- Student research appointments with a librarian.
- Library reference.
- Employee library workshops and research appointments.
- One-on-one reference service.
- Conduct research for ECC faculty, staff, and administration.
- Provide library programs on academic issues, cultural events, and campus-wide activities.
- A collection of over 65,000 books, CDs, recorded books, videos, and DVDs.
- Print collection of magazines, journals, and newspapers.
- Online access to thousands of full-text journals and magazines in library subscription databases, available to students on and off-campus.
- Public access computers on the ECC student network with Internet access, word processing, and other software and computer print station.
- Video and DVD viewing stations, CD players, copiers, text enlarger.
- ECC archives and course reserve materials.
Elgin Community College and its faculty, administration, support staff, and students will comply with the United States copyright laws, Title 17, United States Code.
Renner Learning Resources Center
Building C
Fax: 847-214-7995
Connect with Us
Monday through Thursday: 7:45 am to 10 pm
Friday: 7:45 am to 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 2 pm
Sunday: Closed
*Contact the reference desk at or text 855-523-3225.
Live Chat
Need help with databases and citations? Chat with a real person from the ECC Library.