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2024 - Meet Mariana and Paola Gomez Garcia

Tags: Student Profile
Published 09/30/2024
ECC students Mariana and Paola Gomez Garcia

ECC students Mariana and Paola Gomez Garcia

Twin sisters Mariana and Paola Gomez Garcia, students at Elgin Community College (ECC), have led ECC’s student club, the Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS), for two semesters now. Although identical twins, they appear as opposites sitting behind their club table or out at a student life event, but they are on their academic journeys together.

“Being with my sister makes my day,” Paola said. “When I’m with her, it’s fun.” To which Mariana echoed, “Any chance we have after class, we spend together. We can never be a part.”

Although the Gomez Garcia sisters hold a tight bond, their academic pursuits lead individual paths. Paola is pursuing an Associate in Engineering Science degree; she intends to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an industrial engineer. Mariana is pursuing an Associate in Arts degree in pursuit of a marketing major. “I love being social and spending time on social media. I feel like I have a big personality, so I think I can use that to promote things,” Mariana said. “I’d love to create my own firm one day.”

Mariana and Paola grew up in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. in 2021. “It was really hard for us to adjust at first because we didn’t know anyone,” Paola said. “We were lucky because we already knew English; we’d been learning our whole lives, but going from hearing Spanish all day to English was very different.”

The sisters were in high school when they came to the U.S., and although adjusting to a new country, they didn’t let their academic prowess suffer, graduating a semester early and beginning at ECC in the spring of 2023. Adjusting to college life, they leaned on each other and OLAS to find their place.

“ECC and OLAS have been really good for us because everyone is so welcoming,” Mariana said. “Coming from Mexico, we felt we might not be able to adjust or find others to be friends with, but everyone, students and staff, is so nice. I love that about ECC.”

Learn a little more about this endearing duo.

What’s one thing you do outside of ECC?

Paola: One of my hobbies is playing guitar. I’ve been playing for three years; I’m not very good, but I enjoy learning.

Mariana: I love spending time with my family, friends, and boyfriend. Also, I love being with my dog. She loves sleeping with me, so I’m always putting her in my bed.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Paola: I wanted to be a fashion designer. I still love fashion, but industrial engineering is more fitting for me.

Mariana: I wanted to be a doctor because my brother is one in Mexico, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps. I realized it wasn’t for me when I was in physical therapy once, and the doctor told me how many years of school it took. Marketing is more shaped to my personality.

Dogs, cats, or houseplants?

Paola: I like cats. I don’t have any, but I love them.  

Mariana: I’m a dog person. I have a Maltese named GoGa. Her name is a combination of our two last names, Gomez and Garcia.

What’s your favorite meal to cook or eat out?

Paola: I like hotdogs. They’re my favorite food because they’re easy and delicious.   

Mariana: I love to cook, so whatever my family asks me to make, I’ll do it. Their favorite dish I make is a spicy honey garlic salmon. It’s my favorite thing to cook because they tell me how much they love it.

Shout out to an ECC staff or peer!

Paola and Marianna: OLAS, Gaea Atta Moy, student life coordinator, and Maggie Im, academic advisor.