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ECC Stories 2024 - From Student to Staff: Gema Atta

Tags: Student Profile
Published 11/08/2024
Gema Atta, student life coordinator

Gema Atta, student life coordinator

Gema Atta, student life coordinator at Elgin Community College (ECC), is the youngest of five sisters. Deciding to attend ECC wasn’t a difficult choice for her— an Atta legacy had already been established on campus.

“Even at a young age, I knew I wanted to go to ECC,” Atta said. “There might have been a time in high school when I wanted to go away somewhere, but I ultimately decided to come here because I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I just wanted to explore my options.”

Influenced by her sisters, Atta joined Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), an organization that opened doors, introduced her to her boyfriend of nine years, and established her time at ECC.

“I had so much fun here as a student,” Atta said. “During my time in PTK, all the students involved in clubs were really strong leaders. Being around that energy all the time was an uplifting experience. PTK gave me so many opportunities to engage in leadership and service. I carry that with me now. I’m always looking for things to be involved in in my community.”

After completing her Associate of Arts degree in 2017, Atta transferred to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne to pursue a degree in industrial design, a career path she found interest in through her involvement with graphic design, which she became involved in at 13 years old.

Atta worked as a Communications Assistant for District 303 after a long job hunt post-graduation. “I graduated during the pandemic, and it was really hard to find any design jobs. It’s really hard to find design jobs, period, and add in the pandemic; I got no calls back and must have applied to 40-plus jobs.”

As a communications assistant, she was able to weave her design skills into the required clerical duties the position asked of her. After finding a lot of personal growth in the position, she wasn’t seeing the professional growth she needed. 

When the Web Designer/Accessibility position opened up in ECC’s Marketing and Communications department, Atta applied and secured the job, believing it was more on track with what she wanted to do. Also, she was ready to come back to ECC.

“I knew I wanted to work at ECC because it was such a positive experience for me,” Atta said. “Even when I started doing other things, it was always in the back of my mind to come back.”

Although Atta was back at ECC, this time as a staff member, she still knew where her heart lay: student life. When the position opened up for the part-time student life coordinator position, Atta jumped at the opportunity to work in the area she once frequented as a student.

“My goal was always to work in Student Life,” Atta said. “I remember in PTK when I was interviewing for the organization. I was literally crying when they asked me why I wanted to join; I said, ‘I realized that student services is my passion,’ and that has stayed with me for ten years.”

Looking back at her time as a student, Atta said she wouldn’t change a thing. She has simple advice for current students: go to campus events–if anything, for the free food!