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ECC Stories 2023 - Take Five With…Kaile Raimondi

Tags: Staff Profile
Published 04/17/2023
Kaile Raimondi, web technologist

Kaile Raimondi, web technologist

While you may not have ever met him in person, nearly all of us have had the opportunity to be helped by Kaile Raimondi, web technologist. Now you can finally put a face with the name!

A South Korean adoptee, Raimondi grew up not too far from here in Elburn, Ill. He first came to ECC as a student, earning an associate degree in graphic design, and well, he never left! His first post-college job was with the ECC Bookstore; fifteen years later, Kaile is currently part of the web team, answering our web requests and keeping and up and running.

Over his past 15 years as an ECC staff member, Raimondi’s enjoyed how encouraging the ECC atmosphere has been and that he can hang pictures of his cat on his cube walls without judgment. Read on to learn more about Raimondi.

Where is the best place you’ve traveled, or where is somewhere you dream of going, and why? The best place I’ve traveled to would have to be Thailand. The people there are so nice and rich in culture.

What was your first job? My first job was working at the ECC Bookstore as their shipping and receiving person. Shout out to Steve Kolacki and Kelly Strossner.

Cats, dogs, or house plants? Growing up, we always had cats and birds or parrots rather. The cats learned very quickly that parrots are not the same as birds. Sometimes it was like a live-action Sylvester and Tweety cartoon. Tweety always won, of course.

What’s one thing that really makes your day? As sad as this sounds, my cat and pictures of ferrets. Sometimes, though, the simple things in life make someone’s day!

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a scientist or, rather, a Paleontologist. Looking for fossils was always cool to me.