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ECC Stories 2021 - Dream Big with Dr. Mae Hicks Jones

Tags: Faculty Profile
Published 02/22/2021
Mae Hicks Jones, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, Sustainability, Business, and Career Technologies

Mae Hicks Jones, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, Sustainability, Business, and Career Technologies

For many, their job interview or first day of work was their first time experiencing ECC’s campus. For Mae Hicks Jones, Ed.D., adjunct professor of business, her first encounter with ECC was actually during a campus tour with her then-high school aged daughter, Brittney. Her daughter decided ECC was the right place to start her higher education journey, and not long after that, Hick Jones herself began a new journey at ECC.

If you’ve had the joy of meeting her during her 15-year tenure at ECC, then you know that she’s big on building community, education, and family.

Read on to learn more about Hicks Jones and why the word DREAM is of special importance to her:

In your words, what do you do at ECC? What do you want others to know about your job? Or what would help others understand your job?

I am an adjunct professor at ECC. I teach human resource management, principles of management and global business.

What is your greatest accomplishment since you’ve been at ECC?

I think my greatest accomplishments are the gifts that keep on giving. What I mean is that as faculty for nearly 15 years, I’ve been able to fill minds through learning. And once they graduate from ECC, I feel as though I was part of their journey.

If you could instantly be an expert in one thing, what would you choose?

All things technology. I’m technologically savvy, but would like to know everything about technology. I love it but never have time to master it the way I would like.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work (i.e., hobbies/interests)?

I enjoy spending time with my family, and since the pandemic we have spent more time at home together. I also enjoy technology, and I love to walk – I am really looking forward to the ECC Walking Track opening back up!

Where is the best place you’ve traveled? Or where would you like to visit?

One of the best places I traveled to was Paradise Island in the Bahamas. It was so serene, and I was able to relax and enjoy the time away from the day to day tasks.

You have to wear a t-shirt with just one word on it for an entire year. What would that word be, and why?

DREAM! The word dream can apply to anyone at any age because it gives hope for things to come. I have my own personal pleasure for the word, DREAM because it’s my name spelled backyards, DR. MAE

Share a fact about you that might surprise people to learn.

I’m always energized and running about and at parties I love to have fun, but people are always surprised to know that I’ve never had alcohol before. I’ve never had a drink in my life and it’s not from my religious beliefs or anything - I’ve just never wanted to indulge.

What job have you held (besides ECC) that was the most fun, interesting, or difficult? Explain why.

I worked in a corporate environment and I had the pleasure of working with numerous external groups - mainly in the non-profit sectors and within communities. Those experiences were the best because I received numerous awards for my work and I made lifelong friends.

What was your most valuable life lesson?

To always be myself, because everybody else it taken.

Also, since the pandemic started, I work constantly on my computer and my granddaughter, Nylah Rose, always see me working - now she says, “Nana, I need you to relax!” A 6-year-old gave me my most recent valuable lesson.

Complete this sentence: “I enjoy working at ECC because … “ it changes people lives!