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ECC Stories 2021 - Beth Mrofcza Believes in the ECC Family

Tags: Staff Profile
Published 10/25/2021
Beth Mrofcza, director of ECC's early childhood lab school

Beth Mrofcza, director of ECC's early childhood lab school

Beth Mrofcza is the director of ECC’s Early Childhood Lab School (ECLS), where she leads an environment that instills an early love for learning in each child in their care. Since 2017, she’s dedicated herself to helping ECC student parents achieve their educational dreams by providing the best child care for the least amount of expenses.

While directing her team to provide a safe and cultivating environment, Mrofcza is celebrating a considerable grant secured by the ECLS to help assist with program costs and reduce out-of-pocket child care expenses for student-parents. “We are part of the ECC ‘family’, dedicated to ensuring that each of our young students leaves our center with the skills and confidence they will need to begin a lifetime of learning,” said Mrofcza.

In your words, what do you do at ECC? What do you want others to know about your job? Or what would help others understand your job? I am the director of the ECC Early Childhood Lab school. What I want others to know is that we are so much more than just a daycare. We are part of the ECC “family,” dedicated to ensuring that each of our young students leaves our center with the skills and confidence they will need to begin a lifetime of learning! The staff at the lab school genuinely care about every child and family that enters our center, whether it be for just a semester or the whole first five years of a child’s life. We are all dedicated to ECC’s mission of improving lives through learning. We will always strive to help ECC student-parents achieve their educational goals by providing a high-quality child care program for the least out-of-pocket expense to students.

What is your greatest accomplishment since you’ve been at ECC? Over the last three years, the ECLS has secured more than $500 thousand dollars in grant funding to assist with program costs and help reduce out-of-pocket child care expenses for student parents of ECC. However, even more importantly, we have managed to provide a safe and engaging child care environment throughout the pandemic; a testament to every staff member who works at the ECLS! I could not have done anything without such a dedicated and knowledgeable team!

If you could instantly be an expert in one thing, what would you choose? I have always wanted to be musically gifted. I think music has the ability to move people like nothing else does, and I have always dreamed of being able to pick up any musical instrument and play it beautifully. Unfortunately, in real life I can’t hold a tune to save my life.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work (i.e., hobbies/interests)? As the mom of two boys ages eight and 11, my free time is spent watching them play a lot of sports. When we have a break from sports, I love to travel and explore different cities with my family.

Where is the best place you’ve traveled? Or where would you like to visit? The most beautiful place I’ve ever been to is Capri, Italy. I’d love to visit Ireland someday. For now, my family and I are content visiting other states within the USA. Basically, as long as I’m at a place where I don’t have to clean or do laundry – I’m happy!

Complete this sentence: “I enjoy working at ECC because … “ It feels like everyone at ECC is working towards the same mission, in our own unique way, as one big team.