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ECC Stories 2020 - Isabella Hernandez: ECC gave me resources, support to thrive academically

Tags: Accomplishment | Commencement | Student Profile
Published 05/16/2020
Izzy Hernandez, class of 2020

Izzy Hernandez, class of 2020

Elgin Community College has been a part of my life forever. All my family are ECC alumni, and some have even worked for the college. Going to ECC was never a choice I had to make, but it was something that I have looked forward to. I would go to work with my mom as a kid and wander around in wonder looking at all the things that I could do some day. My family always told me that I would flourish in college and that I would “find my people.”

I was excited to prove myself at ECC and do as much as I could to fulfill their hopes. My time at ECC served to help me grow and find my passion. I found my place in student life, where I built meaningful connections with wonderful students, advisors, and faculty that I cherish immensely. I became an officer in Phi Theta Kappa and was able to surround myself with wonderful and hardworking friends.

My advice to future students is to find a role on campus that will give you meaningful connections and never stop trying to find your place. I was able to create strong bonds with others who kept driving me to succeed and grow, which helped me grasp who I truly was and who I could become. ECC gave me the resources and support I needed to thrive academically and professionally.


Isabella (Izzy) Hernandez ‘20
Associate of Arts
Elgin, IL