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ECC Stories 2020 - Camryn Cutinello: Thanks to ECC my dream career in journalism is within reach

Tags: Accomplishment | Commencement | Student Profile
Published 05/17/2020
Camryn Cutinello, class of 2020

Camryn Cutinello, class of 2020

I made the decision to attend Elgin Community College after I decided I wanted to pursue journalism as my major. I knew if I attended ECC for my first two years, I would have substantially lower debts, which was very important given my career choice. Beyond the cost savings, though, attending ECC was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.

As expected, I was able to get all my general education courses done, but I was also able to take classes that were exciting, fun, and expanded my skillset far past just being a writer. My second year I earned the job of Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the Observer, ECC’s student-run newspaper. As the EIC, I expanded my own journalism skills as well as developed my leadership skills overseeing a team that produced multiple award-winning articles, videos, and other content for print and web publication.

Thanks to ECC, I am well on my way to my dream career in journalism. I will be transferring to Columbia College Chicago this fall, where I’ve earned scholarships for both academic excellence and for my work with the Observer.

Camryn Cutinello ‘20
Associate in Arts
Bartlett, IL