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ECC In the News 2024 - ECC participates in Habitat for Humanity Women Build Event for Third Year

Tags: Events
Published 05/14/2024
ECC's 2024 Women Build Team

ECC's 2024 Women Build Team

On Wednesday, May 1, a group of eight female administrators and staff from Elgin Community College participated in the Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley 2024 Women Build Event. Elizabeth Hobson, dean of adult education, led the group.

Hobson has been on the board of Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley since September 2021. This is her third year on the Women Build Committee after serving as co-chair for two years.

“I am very passionate about community and giving people a hand up,” said Hobson. “It is similar to what we do in Adult Education, so to me, it was a great connection and something I could be very engaged in, so I was excited to get on the board.”

Women Build is a two-month event inviting women to help families build strength, stability, and independence through housing. Women Build volunteers work under the guidance of construction professionals and alongside other volunteers and future Habitat homeowners.

“It’s a very inspiring event,” Hobson said. “Part of what I love so much about this event is that we can lift up and empower women in a very tangible way.”

The following ECC administrators and staff participated in the event alongside Hobson: Vanessa Thede, WIOA adult outreach specialist; Anita Illg, workforce career coordinator; Brittany Rosas, out-of-school coordinator; Shery Lacy, senior director of professional development and organizational development; Heather Martin, DeD, assistant dean of CETAL; Mary Perkins, EdD, dean of liberal, visual and performing arts; and Kristina Garcia, PhD, dean of communications and behavioral sciences.

Throughout May and June, 24 groups, including ECC and the future homeowners, are working on the project. 

“Working side by side with the future homeowners in past years and continuing into this year’s event has made me feel really good inside,” Hobson said. “It was also super inspiring to work side by side with my co-workers and get to know them in a different way.”

This year’s goal is $100,000. ECC is one of several sponsors of the event.

In addition to lifting up women in the community, the event provided an opportunity to learn something new and hands-on, encouraging the life-long learner in each ECC participant. “The cool thing is you have the construction managers there, so you’re learning a small piece of construction, too,” said Hobson.

There will be a celebration on June 20 to conclude the 2024 Women Build event.

For more information on Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley, visit