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ECC In the News 2023 - ECC student journalists win national honor

Tags: Academics | Accomplishment
Published 03/20/2023
Members of the ECC student newspaper, The Observer

Members of the ECC student newspaper, The Observer

The Elgin Community College student newspaper, the Observer, won first place for its digital newsletter, two-year school category, at the 2023 ACP Spring College National Media Conference in San Francisco. The Observer’s digital newsletter, Observer News, is emailed to subscribers six times per semester and highlights stories and photo galleries from the Observer’s website.

This is the first national award for the Observer staff. “I am so happy for the staff earning this award,” said Nick Obradovich, associate professor of English and journalism and Observer faculty sponsor. “Their commitment and enthusiasm to reporting news and telling people’s stories is inspiring.”

Several Observer staff, including Editor-In-Chief Dominic Di Palermo, St. Charles, was on hand to accept the award. “Earning this award reflects not only the staff’s hard work but our teamwork,” said Di Palermo. “My time as editor has been enriching. Our bond and personal fondness as a staff have allowed us to work well together to contribute to our mission.”

The Observer also placed 8th in the best website, two-year schools category. For more information and the Observer or to check out their stories and photo galleries, visit