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ECC In the News 2023 - Double-digit increase in ECC’s enrollment continues into the spring semester

Tags: Accomplishment
Published 02/27/2023
ECC student

ECC student

Elgin Community College’s spring enrollment of more than 8,800 students, tabulated on the 10th day of the semester, reflects a 15.1% increase over spring 2022. Enrollment numbers continue to increase because of late-start spring registrations for 12- and eight-week sessions.

“The college has utilized a student-centered approach to enrollment,” said Amy Perrin, dean of enrollment & student financial services. “Everyone has worked together to increase enrollment and retention rates by focusing on the student experience.”

Last fall, employees contacted more than 3,000 students to offer registration support and find out if they had any questions, concerns, or needs before enrolling. In the first few weeks of January, academic advisors met with more than 2,000 students, and financial aid representatives saw more than 3,000 students.

“ECC has utilized the remaining Higher Education Rapid Relief Fund - COVID dollars and other grants to provide alternative funding opportunities for students,” Perrin adds. “By providing both direct assistance for the current semester and helping to pay off any past balances with the college, students can enroll without financial barriers.”

A record-breaking number of students enrolled in ECC’s dual credit program, where high school students earn college credit either on ECC’s campus or at their high school. The program, currently serving 1,203 students from area K-12 districts, has grown by 154% in the last three years.

ECC has also seen its highest spring enrollment in English as a second language classes in over a decade.

For information about course offerings, enrollment, and financial aid options, visit