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ECC In the News 2021 - ECC stands with the Asian American Pacific Islander community; condemns acts of violence

Published 03/22/2021
Official ECC logo.

Official ECC logo.

In the wake of the Atlanta mass murders on March 16, our nation is rocked again by yet another tragic act of violence that underpins rising anti-Asian rhetoric, discrimination, and hatred regardless of reported motivations surrounding this heinous act. It is disturbing that the extent of this wave manifests itself in the form of violence against innocent victims. In Illinois alone, 92 incidents have been reported by  Stop AAPI Hate, making Illinois the seventh-highest state nationwide, where a total of 3,800 incidents have been reported between March 2020-Feb. 2021. The focus of this violence is largely on women and the elderly.

We were deeply saddened once again at Elgin Community College last week, as we discussed the most recent incident. ECC is unequivocally steadfast in condemning all acts of violence, hatred, and racism. Our commitment to our Shared Values of Diversity and Equity, as demonstrated and approved by the District 509 Board of Trustees, continues to guide us as we seek ways to do our part to dismantle the systemic oppression of historically marginalized groups and institutional racism. We strive to foster a culture at ECC where employees, students, and community members of all colors, races, and creeds are supported and valued.

To our community members, especially our students and employees, who are hurting right now, we encourage you to utilize the following resources:

STOP AAPI HATEA tool kit for addressing Anti-Asian Bias, Discrimination, and Hate. It offers advocacy. Raises community awareness.  It is a safe space to gather and learn about ways to cope with anti-Asian hate and how to report a hate crime incident if you were to encounter one.

Community Crisis Hotline
English 847 697-2380
Spanish 847 697-9740
TTY 847-742-4057

Reporting Violations: Submit an inquiry with the Illinois Department of Human Rights.

For ECC students: You can set up an appointment with our wellness professionals by emailing or calling 847-214-7390 or the 24-hour emergency/referral hotline 847-742-4033.

For ECC employees and their family members experiencing distress and anxiety during these times, please make use of ECC's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Morneau Shepell. This free, confidential service is available 24/7 via phone, chat, or text. Call 800-272-2727 or visit and search for "Elgin Community College" as your organization. You can also text MSEAP to 53342 to immediately begin chatting with an EAP client care representative or counselor. You can also download the EAP app by visiting the ECC website for a QR code.

As we continue to navigate this dark period in our nation, together, we want you to know that as your community college, we are dedicated to providing resources, support, and a safe environment where you can thrive without fear. We are also committed to taking necessary actions to continue to stand firm on our Shared Values in solidarity with our entire college community, including those subjected to violence and systems of oppression; and, we will not stop there.