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ECC Foundation’s annual Golf Classic is back on June 21

Tags: Events | Foundation
Published 05/06/2021
The ECC Foundation's 23rd Annual Golf Classic is Monday, June 21

The ECC Foundation's 23rd Annual Golf Classic is Monday, June 21

Tickets and sponsorships are now available for the 23rd Annual Elgin Community College Foundation Golf Classic on Monday, June 21. The event will be held at the Elgin Country Club, 2575 Weld Road, Elgin. Golfers of all ages and abilities are invited.

“In light of having to cancel the event last year, we are even more excited to return to the beautiful Elgin Country Club this June for this important event to support our ECC students.  Please join us,” said Jenni Betancourt and Boomer Whipple, co-chairs of the Golf Classic Planning Committee and ECC Foundation Board Members.

The Golf Classic is one of several events held by the ECC Foundation to raise funds to support student scholarships, innovative programs, and other areas of critical need in fulfilling ECC’s mission to improve lives through learning. Since its formation in 1984, the foundation has provided over $4 million in direct financial support to ECC and ECC students through scholarship awards and program support.

“The ECC Foundation Golf Classic is over 23 years old, and last year was the first year that we couldn’t have it. But this year, we’re back! We’ve already seen an outpouring of support from the community for this important fundraiser that supports students as they pursue their educational dreams,” said David Davin, executive director of institutional advancement and the ECC Foundation. “We are grateful to the sponsors, golfers, donors, and volunteers who are all vital to our success. We look forward to seeing you on the links!”

The classic begins at 10:30 a.m. with registration, followed by an 11 a.m. box lunch and a noon shotgun start and four-person scramble. Attendees will have the opportunity to bid on live auction items and Fund-A-Student donations to directly support scholarships during the evening dinner and awards program, starting with a reception at 5:00 p.m.

Cost is $375 per person for the entire day, including all guest fees, locker rental, golf cart usage, and food and beverages through the completion of dinner. Guests can also choose to attend only the lunch ($35) or dinner ($75). All participants will be required to adhere to the current safety restrictions at the event regarding social distancing and face coverings.

A limited number of golfer registrations remain available. Sponsorship opportunities begin at $500. The 2021 ECC Foundation Golf Classic is generously supported in part by Premier Sponsors IHC Construction, LLC, Lundstrom Insurance, Middleby Corporation, and Shales McNutt Construction.

Additional event and sponsorship details and event registration can be found at For more information about the ECC Foundation, visit or call 847-214-7377.