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ECC In the News 2021 - ECC board grants tenure to nine faculty members

Tags: Accomplishment
Published 11/04/2021

At the October 19, 2021 board meeting, the Community College District 509 Board of Trustees accepted the recommendation by the Elgin Community College administration to grant tenure to nine ECC full-time faculty.

They include Amy Brandolino, MA, instructor of art history; Christopher Cunningham, MS, instructor of mathematics; LaTasha DeHaan, Ph.D., assistant professor of history; Liddy Hope, Ph.D., assistant professor of human services; Daniel Josh, MFA, assistant professor of visual arts; Marisol Rivera, Ph.D., assistant professor of history; Joshua Thusat, MA, assistant professor of English; Umberto Tinajero, AAS, instructor of IMT/CIM; and Jessica Woloszyk, MS instructor of nursing.

“While the process is quite rigorous, it is intended to be supportive and constructive. The goal of the tenure process is to grant tenure to individuals who will be superior faculty members in their discipline,” said Peggy Heinrich, Ed.D., vice president of teaching, learning, and student development.

Faculty members are eligible for tenure after being employed for a period of three consecutive school years. Processes completed on an annual basis for the three years prior to being eligible for tenor include classroom visitations with their dean and peers, student evaluations, faculty content assessments, self-assessments, and yearly summary evaluation conferences.