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ECC Foundation Surpasses Fundraising Goal of $50,000 for Emergency Student Relief

Tags: Foundation
Published 05/08/2020
Elgin Community College across Lake Spartan.

Elgin Community College across Lake Spartan.

The Elgin Community College Foundation is pleased to announce that it has successfully raised over $50,000 for the Emergency Student Relief Fund in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, achieving its goal to do so by the end of April. 

“These funds are allowing students to continue their education during these trying times,” said ECC President David Sam, PhD, JD, LLM. While the federal CARES Act has provided over $2.3 million in direct financial support to students, many ECC students do not qualify for that aid, making the community’s support all the more important.

“The community has really come together for the students in this time of need, and we are extremely grateful for their generosity,” said David Davin, Executive Director of the ECC Foundation.

The ECC Foundation has already distributed more than $38,000 in emergency relief to students and continues to receive applications. The ECC Foundation works with college leadership to thoroughly review applications and provide assistance where needed. All students are assigned a specific evaluator to work with to verify reported needs and problem-solve with students from all angles, with emergency funding being the “last resort.” Of course, ECC administrators also work to ensure students get the funding they need quickly.

“The good news is that we have several ‘pots’ of funding that we can use now – whether it’s CARES Act funding or foundation funding – we’re ensuring that no student is left behind,” said Davin.

While the ECC Foundation has reached its goal, the need is expected to surpass $50,000 in the coming months. If you still want to support ECC students, please mail a check to Elgin Community College Foundation/ESRF, 1700 Spartan Drive, B230.19, Elgin, IL 60123.