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ECC announces spring break extension and other updates related to COVID-19

Published 03/13/2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For all ECC's updates and information regarding COVID-19, visit

Elgin Community College is aware that information regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve rapidly. In fact, this worldwide pandemic has undoubtedly led to anxiety and uncertainty while impacting lives and daily business operations in every industry.

Due to the fluidity of this constantly changing situation, the College is taking additional action based on information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Governor Pritzker, and experts from local and state health departments. 

There have been no reported or confirmed cases of Coronavirus at any Elgin Community College location at this time. However, due to growing concerns and recent developments in the United States and abroad, the College has made the following decisions to mitigate the potential spread of Coronavirus at ECC:

Spring Break Extension (Friday, March 20-Sunday, April 5, 2020)

  • To decrease the concentration of students and employees on campus, spring break will officially begin Friday, March 20, instead of Monday, March 23, and will end Sunday, April 5.  
  • In addition to maintaining critical functions of the college, this extension will allow faculty and all other employees to transition courses to an alternative delivery format. This does not include certain classes such as those with a required lab component. Students will be contacted in the near future with further information regarding the alternative delivery format to be used for each of their individual classes. 
  • Employees will be permitted to work remotely during this time, as determined by their supervisors and based on the needs of the college. 
  • On Monday, April 6, unless otherwise instructed, all employees will return to campus and resume their regular work schedules. 
  • Classes will resume on Monday, April 6, but courses that are moving to an alternative delivery format will no longer be held on campus. These classes will continue to be held remotely through the end of the spring semester.  
  • Specific classes, such as those with a lab component and many within the Adult Basic Education Center (ABEC), will resume on-campus effective Monday, April 6.  By moving the majority of our classes to an alternative delivery format, we will reduce the number of individuals meeting on campus while ensuring continuity of instruction.  This timeframe may shift and is subject to change depending on the circumstances and needs of the college and our students. 
  • Financial, academic (including the library, tutoring, and access to computer labs), and student support services will be available on campus beginning Monday, April 6, when the extended spring break period ends and classes resume. 

Salary, Wages, and Benefits during Spring Break Extension:

  • During extended spring break, student workers and all full-time and part-time employees will be paid according to their normal work schedules. 
  • If support staff employees are directed to work by their supervisors during any period of the extended spring break, they will be compensated according to the policies, procedures, or contract provisions used for emergency shutdowns or closures. 
  • All employees will continue to receive their paychecks through their current mode of delivery, either by direct deposit or paper check. Employees receiving paper checks are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit by contacting Theresa Reddick at
  • All employees will continue to accrue paid time off and are not required to use paid time off during the extended spring break. 
  • No employee will lose benefits as a result of the college’s decision to extend spring break. 
  • Additional information for employees regarding compensation and logistics will be provided by Human Resources over the course of the next week.

Large Campus Events

  • Based on guidelines from the CDC to limit exposure of COVID-19 through social distancing and the avoidance of mass gatherings, the college has decided to cancel or postpone all campus events consisting of more than 100 people until further notice. 
  • Commencement ceremonies have not been canceled at this time.

Furthermore, the administration, along with college personnel from various departments, have worked night and day to ensure that the College addresses COVID-19 concerns with an appropriate response. The College acknowledges that we do not have all the answers, as COVID-19 has presented unprecedented and unpredictable challenges for all. We value your partnership as we navigate uncharted waters together.  


  • Study abroad programs scheduled to travel to Italy this summer have been postponed.  All other European or study abroad experiences to countries with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice have been canceled at this time. 
  • All out-of-state ECC-sponsored travel is prohibited through the end of April, effective Monday, March 16. Currently, there are no restrictions on in-state travel. 
  • Our custodial staff will conduct a deep cleaning of campus bathrooms, surfaces, floors, and other areas during spring break, in addition to maintaining CDC-recommended cleaning protocols on a daily basis. Thank you to our custodians for their dedication and commitment to ECC at this time. 
  • Disinfectant wipes and other supplies have been placed throughout campus. Contact Cal Byrd at if you notice additional locations on campus where additional supplies are needed. 
  • Our business continuity plan will continue to be updated to reflect a comprehensive strategy to maintain teaching and learning and other critical functions of the college. 
  • Our Emergency Management web page has been created to provide you with information on COVID-19, including regular updates and a set of ECC-specific FAQs and resources.

Finally, as the College focuses its attention on new challenges in the days ahead, while there is a myriad of unknown factors, we remain committed to keeping you informed. The actions outlined in this email might prompt additional questions and concerns. Please stay tuned for further information.

At this time, it is important for the entire ECC community to remain calm and maintain flexibility. By working together, we will ensure safety for all and the successful completion of the academic semester for ECC students.