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ECC announces 2020 NISOD Award winners

Tags: Accomplishment
Published 12/16/2020
Clockwise from top left: Diane Flahaven, MS; Peter Gray, BFA; Michelle Kershner, MEd; Tim Moore, MA; Pietrina Probst, MA; Kelly Scott, MS.

Clockwise from top left: Diane Flahaven, MS; Peter Gray, BFA; Michelle Kershner, MEd; Tim Moore, MA; Pietrina Probst, MA; Kelly Scott, MS.

Five Elgin Community College employees have been selected to receive the 2020 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Award. The award recognizes outstanding faculty, staff, and administrators of community and technical colleges.

“We received many excellent nominations this year, demonstrating the outstanding work done on campus by our faculty, staff, and administrators,” said Peggy Heinrich, EdD, vice president of teaching, learning, and student development.

The award winners include Diane Flahaven, MS, math unit adjunct faculty; Peter Gray, BFA, transitions coordinator IV; Michelle Kershner, MEd, associate professor I of mathematics; Tim Moore, MA, associate dean of instructional improvement and distance learning; Pietrina Probst, MA, director of ADA and student disabilities services; Kelly Scott, MS, director of student and academic systems.

These individuals will represent ECC at the League for Innovation in the Community College’s Innovations Conference in March or the NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence in May.

ECC NISOD recipients have also been submitted to receive the League for Innovation in the Community College’s John and Suanne Roueche Excellence Award, which celebrates outstanding contributions and leadership by community college faculty and staff.