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August 2024 Library Displays

Aerial view of Elgin Community College and Lake Spartan. Aerial view of Elgin Community College and Lake Spartan.

Mark your calendar. Attend this in-person event.

  • Date:
    Saturday, August 31, 2024
  • Time:
    All day
  • Location:
    Main Campus , Bldg. C, Library

We are so excited to welcome back our students this month. August has many things to recommend it--harvest time, vacations, and would you believe Read a Romance month (1st floor)? It is National Dog Month (2nd floor), so get out and enjoy those doggos (you can also practice Down Dog with our Dog Days of Summer display behind Reference)!

August is National Sandwich Month (1st floor)--get ready for school with some new ideas.  On that note, it is Get Ready for Kindergarten month (1st floor), and there is a mix of adult and children's books on display to help you do that. (Did you know that we have a GREAT children's section upstairs on the 2nd floor???) 

On 2nd floor, we have a Born in August display--see if your favorite is represented there! Hint--there are some Presidents represented!

We continue our display for Leisure reading on 1st floor--see what books revolve in and out of that display, as well as our Wellness display by Circulation.

Event last updated at 8:40 AM on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.