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FY2023 Outcomes

At the close of every goal cycle, ECC provides the outcomes for the most recent fiscal year as we work toward completing our strategic plan. To view the data, graphics, and key accomplishments that contributed to the outcomes, see the Performance Report for the corresponding year.

Increase the percentage of students who complete their programs from 35.7% to 39.5% (the smallest statistically significant improvement) with a stretch goal of 41% by June 30, 2023.

Target not achieved. The outcome stayed relatively the same as the baseline, slightly declining from 35.7% to 35.6% completion (from the fall 2018 cohort).

Decrease achievement gaps between students of color and majority students in general educational learning outcomes to -5% with a stretch goal of 0% by June 1, 2023.

Target partially achieved. Of the six general educational learning outcomes, two are at the stretch goal (no gaps); one is at target; three are below target however two of those outcomes the achievement is unclear due to small data.

Increase annual unduplicated enrollment in FY23 from 12,559 to 13,500 with a stretch goal of 14,500 by April 3, 2023.

Target achieved! Total enrollment for FY23 (AY22-23) reached 13,840 students.

Increase the total annual credit hour count from 145,636 to 160,000 with a stretch goal of 170,000 by June 30, 2023.

Target not achieved. The total credit hours increased 9.17% from the previous year, approaching target at 158,790.

Increase the percentage of students responding "very satisfied" or "satisfied" to a question about overall satisfaction on the fall 2022 administration of the Current Student Survey from 87% to 90% with a stretch goal of 93%.

Target achieved. The percentage of students responding with combined responses increased to 92%, which is 2% higher than the target set and missing the stretch goal by 1%.

Identify an annual survey tool to measure employee engagement and/or satisfaction to determine a baseline measurement by June 30, 2023, so a goal can be set for FY24.

Stretch goal achieved. Exceeded target of identifying the PACE Climate Survey and hit the stretch of administering the survey and collecting baseline data for setting FY2024 goal.

Identify an annual survey tool to be used for measuring employer and/or community engagement and/or satisfaction to determine a baseline measurement by June 30, 2023.

Stretch goal achieved. The initial target was achieved when an annual tool (Community Vibrancy Cohort) was identified and implementation began with our Achieving the Dream (ATD) Coach. An early activity included creating the community engagement self-assessment in spring 2023 to inform the Community Vibrancy Cohort with baseline data (N=10) collected, showing strengths and gaps which were reported to key campus stakeholders, thus satisfying the stretch goal.

Decrease the average net price to attend ECC per student from $4,159 to $4,000 with a stretch goal of $3,750 by fall 2023.

Target not achieved. Average net price decreased, but only slightly (<1%), from $4,159 for 2019-2020 students to $4,140 for 2020-2021 students. Note that this information is reported in arrears for past student cohorts through IPEDS data reporting.

Increase the college average departmental actual-to-budget ratio from 90% to 92% with a stretch goal of 94% by June 30, 2023.

It depends. The unaudited budgeted-vs-actual ratio for all operating expenditures (excluding transfers) was 94%, which meets the stretch goal. The spend rate for salary and benefits was 98% (representing 76% of the budget), which exceeds the stretch goal. However, when considering all non-payroll expenditures (representing 24% of the budget), the ratio was 83%, which misses the target.

Raise unrestricted college campaign funds of at least $1.5 million with a stretch goal of $2 million by June 30, 2023.

Target exceeded. An approximate total of $1.7 million has been raised in the form of monetary gifts, pledges, and commitments exceeding the target of $1.5 million for the first year of the campaign.

Establish a request/project tracking system and follow-up satisfaction survey by June 30, 2023, for any interested service departments beginning in FY24.

Target not achieved as written. We shifted focus as the year unfolded and are now close to adopting a college-wide project management tool (Jira) in IT, HR, IR and MarCom to track requests and workflows which will satisfy the initial intent of the goal set for FY2023 once implemented.

2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan

Creating the Current Plan

For the first time, our strategic plan was created 100% virtually. This meant the team couldn’t work in a conference room in small table discussions with flip charts and post-it notes. The team had to find new ways to facilitate the group’s participation through the technology of Zoom® break out rooms, Google® docs and sheets, Padlet®, and a fun online tool called Piccles® (pronounced “pickles”).