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Professional Development

Support Staff Member

At ECC, we support your work through multiple professional development offerings and academic resources. ECC offers dozens of workshops each semester, including leadership development, campus safety, and specific computer skills. In addition to live, instructor-led classes, ECC employees can also take advantage of online courses offered through our institutional learning department.

New Employee Orientation

Scheduled several times each year, ECC hosts a day-long orientation for recently hired employees. This session ensures you have a complete introduction to the full range of offerings, departments, and services offered at the college. New employees are invited to this session within the first few weeks of employment. Questions? Contact Human Resources or your manager. By the end of the day, you'll not only be well-versed in ECC's culture, mission, and shared values but also be in sync with the heartbeat of our community.

Professional Development Reimbursement

At ECC, we're committed to supporting your professional growth and success. Depending on your employment classification, you may qualify for reimbursements to cover tuition and other expenses to advance your professional goals. Consult your employee benefits summary and/or contract, as appropriate.

Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Resources

  • The Equitable Workplace: Cultivating Attitudes of Anti-Racism and Allyship
  • Seeking Cultural Consciousness and Competence in Hiring
  • Advanced Institutional Leadership in Equity

As a faculty member at Elgin Community College (ECC), you can access many resources and opportunities to support your professional growth and enhance your teaching experience.

Faculty Development, Research & Scholarships

ECC recognizes the faculty's integral role and provides instruction-related resources to support your teaching and encourage your growth as an academic professional.

  • Faculty development funding can cover the costs of tuition, conferences, materials, and more. Eligible faculty members are also encouraged to submit sabbatical proposals to further their academic pursuits.
  • Engage in mentoring relationships with experienced colleagues through programs like the ECC Teaching Pairs and join the Faculty Research Community to embark on research projects alongside a supportive cohort.
  • ECC prioritizes creating inclusive learning spaces and offers training opportunities focused on cultural responsivity and related topics, ensuring that all students feel welcome and supported.
  • Participate in events like the annual TeachECC to stay updated on the latest teaching methodologies and classroom innovations. At these events, you can learn from experts and exchange ideas with peers.
  • Explore funding options by applying for grants through the ECC Foundation and the Grants & Research Development Office. These grants empower you to pursue ambitious projects and initiatives.

Center for the Enhancement of Teaching, Assessment, and Learning

ECC's Center for the Enhancement of Teaching, Assessment, and Learning (CETAL) is a hub for faculty development resources and programs, providing opportunities to learn new skills and connect with colleagues. Each semester, CETAL offers specialized programs dedicated to promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity on campus, covering topics such as culturally responsive teaching, universal design for learning, and supporting gender non-conforming students.

By leveraging these resources and opportunities, ECC empowers its faculty members to excel in their roles, foster student success, and contribute meaningfully to the academic community. Employees can find details on CETAL’s website. Sign-in required.

Military Ally Training for ECC Employees

Offered to ECC employees, Military Ally Training provides greater visibility and appreciation for military-connected students' unique needs, experiences, and perspectives. Participation is voluntary and free. If you have questions about the workshop and/or becoming an ally, please email Anitra King.

Safe Colleges

As a part of their overall professional development, ECC offers employees the following courses:

  • Faculty and Staff Workplace Inclusion Suite
  • FERPA Basics
  • Clery Act Basics
  • Protecting Youth: Abuse and Neglect Prevention
  • Sexual Assault Prevention for Community College Students

Our employees say…

Dan Kernler

"My colleagues challenge and motivate me every day to be a better mathematics instructor. The support I feel here encourages me to try new things and maximize my capabilities. I tell my students that an ideal workplace is one where they feel challenged and have the support of their supervisors and colleagues. In my mind, I’m really describing ECC."

Dan Kernler, MD
Professor of Mathematics


HR Department

Building B, Room B210