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Advanced Testing

Advanced placement testing overview
IB Diploma Programme Test Score ECC Course Alignment Additional ECC Course Alignment
Language A: Literature SL 4 LIT 201 -
Language A: Literature HL 4 LIT 201 -
Language A: Language and Literature SL 4 LIT 223 -
Language A: Language and Literature HL 4 LIT 223 -
Literature and Performance SL 4 LIT 202 -
Geography SL 4 GEO 116 -
Geography HL 4 GEO 116 -
Psychology SL 4 PSY 100 -
Psychology HL 4 PSY 100 -
Social and Cultural Anthropology SL 4 ATR 120 -
Social and Cultural Anthropology HL 4 ATR 120 -
Sports, Exercise, and Health Science SL 4 BIO 234 - 1 credit BIO 234 - Special  Topics in Biology - 1 credit
Classical Languages SL 4 INS 280 Non-Traditional Language I -
Classical Languages HL 4 INS 281 Non-Traditional Language II -
Language B SL 4 4-5 CHN, FRN, GRM, ITN, JPN OR SPN 101 & 102 *6-7 CHN, FRN, GRM, ITN, JPN OR SPN 201 
Language B HL 4 4-6 CHN, FRN, GRM, ITN, JPN OR SPN 102 & 201 *7 CHN, FRN, GRM, ITN, JPN OR SPN 202 
Language ab initio SL 4 4-5 CHN, FRN, GRM, ITN, JPN OR SPN 101 & 102 *6-7 CHN, FRN, GRM, ITN, JPN OR SPN 201 
Global Politics SL 4 4-7 POS 141 -
Global Politics HL 4 4-7 POS 251 -
History SL 4 4-7 HIS 100 -
History HL 4 4-7 HIS 152 -
Philosophy SL 4 4-7 HUM 118 -
Philosophy HL 4 4-7 HUM 118 -
World Religions SL 4 4-7 HUM 204 -
Dance SL 4 THE 150 -
Dance HL 4 THE 150 -
Film SL 4 ART 130 -
Film HL 4 ART 130 -
Music SL 3 MUS 205 -
Music HL 3 MUS 205 -
Theatre SL 4 4-7 THE 100 -
Theatre HL 4 4-7 THE 100 -
Visual Arts SL 4 4-7 ART 290: Topics in Art -
Visual Arts HL 4 4-7 ART 290: Topics in Art -
Biology SL 4 to 7 BIO 110 -
Biology HL 4 to 7 BIO 110 -
Chemistry SL 4 CHM 101 -
Chemistry HL 4 CHM 112 6-7 CHM 142
Design Technology SL 4 to 7 IMT 203 -
Design Technology HL 4 to 7 IMT 203 -
Environmental Systems and Societies SL 4 APS 290 -
Physics SL 5 and up 5: PHY 101 -
Physics HL 5 and up 5:  PHY 101 and PHY 102 -
Further Mathematics HL 4-7 MTH102 and MTH114 -
Further Mathematics HL 6-7 MTH190 -
Mathematical Studies SL 4-7 MTH 102 -
Mathematics SL 4-7 MTH102 and MTH112 -
Mathematics HL 4-7 MTH102 and MTH112 -
Mathematics HL 6-7 MTH 114 -
Business Management SL 4 to 7 BUS 100 -
Business Management HL 4 to 7 BUS 100 -
Economics SL 4 to 7 ECN 101 -
Economics HL 4 to 7 ECN 201 and ECN 202 -
Information Technology in a Global Society SL 4 CIS 229 (2 credits) -
Information Technology in a Global Society HL 4 CIS 229 (2 credits) -
Computer Science SL 4 to 7 CIS 110 -
Computer Science HL 4 to 7 CIS 121 and CIS 223 -

Advanced Placement Tests

If you took AP tests at your high school, you might be able to fulfill ECC course requirements and earn credit. Check our AP credit charts for details.

College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP®)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a group of nationally standardized tests offered by appointment at the ECC Testing Center during regular hours. These computerized tests are usually best suited for those with considerable academic and life experiences.

CLEP Testing Details

ECC Proficiency Program

If you’ve earned proficiency credit at another accredited institution, ECC may accept those credits if:

  • The credit applies to the degree or certificate you intend to complete at ECC, and
  • The institution recorded the proficiency credit on your official transcript.

Modern Language Proficiency

If you are a heritage speaker and/or have previous language knowledge, you should consider seeking proficiency credit. Talk to an academic advisor about which language courses you need. If you are unsure which courses to seek proficiency credit for, you should take the WebCAPE first for an initial placement assessment.

Process for Credit

  1. Discuss your intentions with an instructor or Academic Advisor.
  2. Download the form below and complete Section II. A separate form must be completed for each academic discipline or program for which you request proficiency (e.g., Spanish/Chinese, Accounting/Management).
  3. Ask the instructor or Academic Advisor to complete Section III on the form.
  4. Go to the Student Accounts Office in Building B, Room B151, and pay the fee: $15.00 per course plus $5.00 per credit hour. The Student Accounts Office will complete Section IV.
  5. Return the form to the instructor for assessment and final approval by the Dean. For Spanish Only: Students will bring completed paperwork, receipt of payment, and identification to the Testing Center for assessment. 
  6. The completed form will be sent to the Registration and Records Office to be processed. If proficiency credit is granted, it will
    be placed on your transcript. Check the status of your proficiency credit by viewing your transcript on AccessECC.

Download Proficiency Request Form - PDF to learn more.


Testing Center

Building B, Room B115
Fax: 847-608-5474

Exam Registration

Monday through Thursday: 8 am to 7 pm
Friday: 8 am to 3 pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm

*Note: The Testing Center is closed Tuesdays from 2 to 3 pm for a department meeting. All tests and materials are collected 15 minutes before closing.