Center for Undergraduate Research, Innovation, and Creativity
Applications are now open for students and faculty
The ECC Center for Undergraduate Research, Innovation, and Creativity (CURIC) invites all students who are motivated to learn, curious about the world, and want to engage on campus and in their communities to apply.
Provide a student-centered environment featuring faculty-mentored research and engagement opportunities.
Help students to realize and manifest their creative, research, and/or innovation potential.
This outreach program is for students interested in learning about academic research or working on a creative project with the mentorship of an ECC Faculty member. CURIC encourages and promotes scholarship and creative academic projects for all students. Student participants in the program are called Fellows due to their commitment to growth and learning. Regardless of participation as a Fellow, all students may participate in monthly CURIC workshops and hear guest speakers throughout the academic year.
As a CURIC Fellow, you will receive the following benefits:
- One-on-one or small group project mentoring from exceptional faculty.
- Preparation for academic research beyond ECC.
- Access to CURIC space (F116)
- Ability to present at the annual CURIC symposium
Scholarship Opportunities
CURIC Fellows receive $250 on their student accounts for each semester of participation in a project with a faculty member. Contact the CURIC Director at for more information.
Current Students
Current ECC applicants interested in working with a faculty mentor are encouraged to express interest. Projects are based on participating faculty areas of expertise. However, the Center maintains a database of student interests for future faculty-student pairings.
Should you be selected as CURIC Fellow, the duties and expectations are listed below:
- Commit to a semester or year-long project with a faculty member
- Participate in the CURIC Symposium in the spring semester
Applications are now open for the next student cohort
Student Application
Not yet an ECC student? Apply to the college
Faculty Mentors
Apply to join the project as a mentor and participate in regular mentorship opportunities.
Faculty Mentor Duties and Expectations:
- Engaging in a semester or year-long research project with an ECC student
- Providing a project description to advertise and attract students
- Providing project outcomes
- Preparing students to present at the annual CURIC symposium
Applications are now open for the next group of faculty mentors
Faculty Application