Hispanic Serving Institution
Together We Thrive: A Commitment to Our Latinx Community.
Ways to Be Involved
ECC students, employees, and community members have multiple opportunities to contribute to this process. Feedback will be collected via surveys, open comment forms, and structured community forums.
Attend a Community Forum
Please help us understand your needs and challenges related to HSI servingness by attending a community forum in February 2025.
Share your Thoughts
We invite students, employees, and community members to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences for our HSI Strategic Plan. Please complete the open comment form.
Established in 1949, Elgin Community College welcomes students from all backgrounds and celebrates our community's rich Latinx heritage. We take pride in being a diverse institution in the Chicago suburbs. As a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), Elgin Community College is committed to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment for all community members. Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are colleges and universities designated by the U.S. Department of Education. In addition to a 25% Hispanic/Latinx enrollment criterion, institutions must have a high proportion of students with financial need and demonstrate a commitment to supporting and advancing educational opportunities for their diverse population. As of Fall 2024, 52% of ECC’s student population identifies as Latinx.
HSI Strategic Planning Process
On August 15, 2024, ECC leadership committed to developing a strategic plan to support Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) initiatives. The goals of this process are to:
- Articulate ECC’s identity, mission, and vision as an HSI.
- Identify key initiatives to support both short-term and long-term objectives.
- Foster an inclusive environment for Latinx students and the broader community.
This process includes the development of an HSI Strategic Planning Steering Team. This team includes representatives from students, staff, faculty, administrators, family, and community partners who will guide the process from October 2024 to June 2025.
Listening (Nov 2024 - Feb 2025):
- Gather insights through surveys, feedback forms, and listening sessions involving students, employees, and community members.
- Key Focus: Understanding needs and challenges related to HSI servingness.
Visioning/Strategy Development (Jan 2025 - May 2025):
- Define long-term goals, values, and priorities.
- Develop strategic objectives aligned with the feedback gathered.
- *Strategic Plan assembled: Target Completion June 2025
Implementation (July 2025 - July 2027):
- Create action plans, allocate resources, and set timelines.
- Measure performance and adjust strategies for continuous improvement.
Timeline Highlights
- Assemble HSI Steering Team.
- Launch the HSI Strategic Planning Employee virtual page.
- Distribute student surveys.
- Host ECC Employee Listening Sessions.
- ECC Employee Survey, Student, Employee, and Community Member/Partner Open Comment Form.
- Launch of ECC HSI Strategic Planning webpage.
- Host Community Member/Partner Listening Sessions.
- Host Student Listening Sessions.
- Finalization of the strategic plan.
- Begin implementation phase.
Kane County Facts
A Growing Community
Kane County, IL, is home to a population of 514,000+ people.
U.S. Census Bureau
Approximately 169K+ identify as "Hispanic or Latino," comprising roughly 32.6% (2024).
Suburban Life
"Some 1.2 million Latinos, or more than 50% of Latinos living in Illinois, live in the suburbs of the seven countries in the Chicago metro region" (Latinos in the Suburbs Report, 2023).
Projected Growth
By 2040, Latino population in Illinois is projected to reach 3.5 million or 30% (Latinos in the Suburbs Report, 2023).