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Student Waitlist Registration

Administrative Procedure 4.502

Students at Elgin Community College may place themselves on a waitlist for a particular section of an eligible course until the published tuition due date for each term. When students add themselves to a waitlist, they agree to the terms of this Administrative Procedure by providing their signature on the Waitlist Agreement in person or by submitting their acceptance of the terms online. Students will not be assessed tuition or fees for that section while on the waitlist.

Placement on a waitlist does not guarantee enrollment into a section. Students on waitlists are not enrolled in the section and will not be allowed to attend the section until they are enrolled. Students will not be moved into a section from the waitlist if doing so will create a time conflict or an overload in credits or if they have already registered for a different section of the same class.

Students may be moved by the college from the waitlist to the regular class roster if a seat becomes available. In these cases, students will need to make arrangements to pay tuition and fees associated with that section prior to the published tuition due date. If the student is moved into a section the day after the published tuition due date, they have until 7 pm central time the next calendar day to make payment arrangements. If payment is not arranged, the student risks being dropped for non-payment.

It is the student’s responsibility to check their ECC student e-mail and their schedule to see if they have been enrolled in a section from the waitlist. If the student has been moved from the waitlist to the regular class roster and the student is enrolled in a payment plan, all additional tuition and fees will be added to the payment plan and those charges will be subject to the same terms and conditions as the original payment plan.

Waitlists are evaluated every business day from the beginning of the registration cycle until the tuition due date. Eligible waitlisted students are moved into available seats in the order they are placed on the waitlist. Waitlists are discontinued the day after the tuition due date for each term. Once waitlists are discontinued, students will only be able to enroll in sections with seats available.